This week I’m reviewing one of our most recent arrivals: Lane Limited Ready Rubbed.
Some of you may have fond memories of the now-discontinued Edgeworth Ready Rubbed and Edgeworth Slices. Though Lane was unable to restore the original name, they were (fortunately) able to retain the original recipe.
The pouch note is a delightful mix of super-sweet cocoa and pure tobacco, almost cigarette-like in aroma. The cut of the tobacco closely resembles a cube-cut (which was the norm in popular over-the-counter blends of the 1940s and 50s); though slightly coarser, it can be handled like any cube-cut mixture.
Now for the good stuff: I loaded my pipe full of this Burley blend by simply dipping it into the pouch and gravity-filling it. A light touch with my pointer finger ever so slightly tamped and packed the bowl. Ignition was effortless, and the sweet molasses topping quickly washed over my taste buds followed by the unmistakable cocoa flavor so prominent in the pouch note.
What surprised me most was how clean the finish is on this tobacco, and how no dottle* was present when I finally reached the heel.
This is (and always was) a blend made for all day, every day smoking. It’s somewhat mild (though it will bite if you push it), quite refreshing and simple to enjoy. I can see this as a blend to bring along while fishing, camping, or just reading a good book.
Five pipes to Lane Ready Rubbed – and as you may have read, we have plenty of it in bulk form, so come on in and try some! And don’t forget to Puff On!
